Get Pregnant Faster By Eating Seafood More Often

get pregnant faster

Want to get pregnant faster? Or maybe you’d like to increase you and your partner’s motivation to get between the sheets. Either way, seafood can help.

Many couples try fertility treatments during their conception process, but a new study published by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that upping the amount of seafood you eat can help you get pregnant faster.

Eating Seafood Safely

Seafood is a superstar addition to any diet with its lean protein, omega-3s, and variety of vitamins and minerals. But, a fear of taking in too much mercury has many women avoiding seafood when trying to get pregnant.

According to a survey by the Food and Drug Administration, 50 percent of pregnant women eat less than two ounces of seafood per week. That’s well below their recommended level.

Instead, the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency recommend 8 to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish per week. To dispel fears, even more, the agencies created a chart to help consumers pick fish with low mercury. Over 90 percent of fish found in the United States are in the top category of that chart. And now we’re finding out just how beneficial fish can be for pregnancy and conception.

Seafood Speeds Up Conception

In the study, researchers analyzed 501 couples participating in the Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment (LIFE) study. The researchers sought to find out how long it took for couples to get pregnant as well as how often they partook in
intercourse. They found that 92 percent of couples who ate more seafood had achieved pregnancy by the end of one year. Of those who didn’t eat much seafood, only 79 percent had achieved pregnancy.

In addition, the study found that seafood-eaters had a significantly higher frequency of intercourse. For many, that’s a nice side effect to this prenatal prescription. However, Audrey Gaskins, one of the study’s authors, explains in a press release that the increased speed of pregnancy wasn’t completely related to the frequency of intercourse. Other factors such as ovulation and semen quality may have been involved too.

Because of these factors, Gaskins recommends that both men and women eat more seafood. It can benefit both parties involved and help people get pregnant faster.

Get Pregnant Faster – The Fertility Factor

This study is good news for couples struggling with fertility. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), about 10 percent of women ages 15-44 have difficulty with pregnancy. The main reason for women having trouble is ovulation. If their cycle is irregular or they ovulate less frequently, it can make achieving pregnancy difficult.

What many men and women don’t realize is that their lifestyle factors can affect fertility too. For instance, 20 percent of women in the US are now having their first child after age 35, the HHS says. At that point, health problems and fewer healthy eggs can factor into the equation. Other couples may just be too busy, stressed, and tired, which affects their sexual health in more than one way.

The best advice here is for couples to clear their schedules, get in some relaxation, and get busy in bed. To get pregnant faster (or rediscover the flames of desire), the experts are also recommending seafood.
