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Whether it is holiday mayhem or all the little things that add up over the course of the year, stress…

There is a buzz in the medical world regarding an article recently out of New Zealand written by the parents…

Did you know your kitchen could actually be making you sick? That’s right – if it’s not cleaned properly, the…

Orthorexia is a relatively new term for a disorder where a person becomes obsessed with the “perfect diet” and the…

A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found many mothers are feeding babies solid foods earlier…

Incidences of genital warts declined by more than 90 percent in adolescent and teenage girls in the first four to…

All parents swap strategies for keeping their infants from becoming picky eaters: Make sure you feed them vegetables before fruits…

I am very pleased that Gov. Chris Christie came out publicly to talk about his weight-reduction surgery. I know that…

Certain types of antidepressants may put people at an increased risk for developing a deadly superbug infection, a new study…