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November 6, 2013
Time magazine has been getting a lot of attention lately after debuting its most recent issue covering Dr. William Sears,…
Dr. Manny
November 6, 2013
A new study has shown that obesity during a mother’s pregnancy is a strong predictor of whether or not she…
November 6, 2013
  Health officials are testing 35 babies for tuberculosis after a person with an active case of the life-threatening disease…
November 6, 2013
A new study suggests that babies delivered by cesarean section may have double the risk of obesity later in life,…
November 6, 2013
The CDC has found that two-thirds of mothers fail to meet their own breastfeeding goals.  Based on these results, it…
November 6, 2013
It’s common practice for women who are pregnant to pass when it comes to alcohol – for fear that it…
November 6, 2013
  Two new studies found that the odds of having a baby via in-vitro fertilization (IVF) may be lower for…
November 6, 2013
I remember 15 years ago, my colleagues and I in high risk obstetrics were discussing the future possibility of analyzing…
one month pregnant
November 6, 2013
Here’s the good news: If you want to have a baby at 65 years old, it looks like we have…
November 6, 2013
I hate when silly news makes people scared. The recent article stating that babies born in autumn live longer really offers…