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Persuasion can be a powerful thing. Day to day, we find ourselves either on the giving or receiving end or…

According to a global study, the rate of bipolar disorder is higher in the U.S. than any other country in…

Something to keep in mind as your kids go off to school this year: College freshmen are more stressed than…

New research suggests recently graduated college men and women may have differing expectations concerning salaries and possibilities for promotions.After surveying…

According to a new study, children with ADHD focus better when white noise is played in the background, Family Health…
It seems we’ve come to expect bad behavior out of the people who are in positions of power, new research…

Teenagers bully others in an attempt to increase their own popularity, research suggests.HealthDay News reported the results of a new…

What subject should your child study harder in school this year?According to the federal government, more than two thirds of…

Today, readers, I’d like to tell you a story about a man named Steven Martinez. He’s 42 years old, and…