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May 18, 2013
If your child has Autism you’ve likely become quite familiar with the physicians in your area- pediatricians, developmental pediatricians, neurologists,…
April 29, 2013
Dr. Manny sits down with an education expert to discuss the characteristics of autism      
March 1, 2013
According to a new study, the number of children getting computed tomography, or CT scans when visiting hospital emergency rooms…
January 1, 2013
One in six children in the United States has some kind of developmental disability, a new government study reports, which…
September 28, 2012
Hi Dr. Manny, I live in Australia and have four boys.  My second son, now 27 years old, has autism…
March 8, 2012
I totally disagree with the premise of a new report released by Dr. Jan Willem Gorter, a pediatrician at McMaster…
March 1, 2012
According to a new study, the brains of people with autism allocate more resources to areas that concentrate on visual…
November 20, 2011
After looking at the latest three studies led by researchers from Yale, Columbia and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York,…
February 1, 2011
A five-minute checklist may help doctors diagnose cases of autism in children earlier than ever, a new study reports. The…