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These days, many women have to work outside of the home just to make ends meet. However, between working plus taking caring of the kids, the house, and cooking meals, some women practically go crazy trying to juggle everything. Fortunately, there are apps to help make it easier for working moms. Here is a list of apps that help moms who work away from the home.
Remember the Milk
Moms always have a list of thousands of things to do, but remembering everything can be difficult, if not impossible. Remember the Milk is a free app that moms can use to create a list of things to do, and they can even cross them off when that errand is accomplished.
All Recipes Dinner Spinner
Moms often have to go to the store for milk and bread, and while pushing their carts through the aisles, it may occur to them that they have to make dinner, too. With the Dinner Spinner app, mom can enter in an ingredient, and a list of different dinner options will be created in a flash.
iReward Chart
Most moms have a reward system to help them keep track of the chores their kids have done. Instead of a paper chart on the wall, which can get torn, dirty, or lost, there is another way to keep track of things with a free app called iReward Chart. With this chart, mom can add stars every time their children do something that will help them earn a reward.
Password Box
It can be hard to keep track of all the password moms use for various things like their banks, their email, and other things. However, with Password Box, all passwords can be stored in one convenient place so mom will have her passwords on hand when she has other things on her mind.
Moms are busier than ever these days, and it’s nice to know that there are apps out there that can help them get everything done. As an added bonus, unlike moms of yesteryear, moms of today can do so in a much more neat and organized fashion.