6 Yoga Poses to Help Your Posture

Remaining sedentary for long periods of time can cause muscular imbalances as well as postural deviations that can cause discomfort and other health problems.  It is therefore important to participate in activities that help to improve one’s posture and increase one’s movement and muscular strength. 


1. Goddess-to-Star Pose.  Stand with your feet approximately four feet apart, heels turned in and toes pointed out.  On an inhale, extend your arms overhead to form a v-shape, arms wider than shoulder width and palms facing forward.  Stretch all the way through your hands, spreading your fingers wide.  On an exhale, bend your knees and lower into a squat position while also bending your arms and drawing your elbows in toward your ribs.  Repeat these movements through five breath cycles.

2. Wide-legged Forward Fold With Chest Expansion.  Stand with your feet approximately four feet apart, parallel to one another and toes pointing forward.  Holding a strap in one hand with that palm facing the wall behind you, reach your other hand behind your back to grasp the other end of the strap.  Inhale deeply, then exhale and fold your torso forward, with the crown of your head gently moving toward the floor.  Hold position for three to five breath cycles.

3. Eagle Pose Variation.  Stand with your feet together, then sweep your arms over your head with your right arm drawing underneath your left, your elbows crossing and your wrists bringing your palms together.  Bend your knees slightly, creating a modified squat.  Pick up your right foot, crossing your right knee over your left, and touching your toes down just outside of your left foot.  Inhale deeply and exhale smoothly, holding position for three to five breath cycles, then switch sides and repeat.

4. Reverse Plank.  Sit with legs extended.  Place hands down behind your body with your fingers pointed toward your backside.  Inhale deeply and press into your palms, lifting off the floor while keeping the soles of your feet on the ground.  Hold position for three to five breath cycles.

5. Supine Figure-4.  Lie on your back with your knees bents and your feet flat on the floor.  Pick up your right foot, crossing your right ankle just above your left knee, and allow the right knee to open toward the side while drawing toes toward shin.  Thread your right arm through the space between your legs and reach your left arm around your left leg to interlace your hands.  Keep your head, neck and shoulders on the floor while your pull your left knee toward your chest.  Hold for three to five breath cycles and then repeat on the other side.

6. Wind Removing Pose to Supine Spinal Twist.  Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.  Stretch your left leg along the floor and pick up your right foot so you can interlace your hands on your shin. Inhale deeply and open your right knee out, then pull your knee up under your right armpit on the exhale.  Hold this position for two to three breath cycles, then extend right arm out to right wall and use left arm to guide right knee across the body and onto a block near left hip.  Hold for three to five breath cycles and then repeat on the other side.

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